Monday, October 1, 2007


These days many things happening around the WiMax world.

Recently American giant operator Sprint/Nextel announced their Mobile WiMax solution XOHM, it would be either Samsung or Motorola but last week Motorola and Sprint demonstrated Sprint's Mobile WiMax solution XOHM on Chicago. There involved 4 BS towers and 12 Laptops and few WiMax enlabled Cell phones. System showed people that it can handle 2-4Mbps for downstream and 1-2Mbps for upstream while moving (50mph) on the Chicago River of Chicago city. Heard that it covered only 0.8miles of river by 4 Base Station Towers, you can imagine that what area can cover 1 base station, but it is only a demonstration. But Sprint said that they will begin their service for customer only in Q2 of 2008. Sprints demo videos on Chicago.

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